Sunday, January 26, 2014

Excercising with Cold and Flu.

Hey guys,
Its Monday!!! A new day and a new week! Wait are to thinking about Monday blues? Come on people Monday blues aren't for blokes. Get up and get your bad asses to the gym.
I woke up at 5:30am and I am currently being haunted by mild cold and flu. Its being bothering me since past few days along with mild fever. My work schedule has been a total haywire due to this sucker.
Anyways. I was thinking on which excises I can perform in the gym without straining my body, but at the same time keeping myself from not working out at all. Well, fever with cold and flu do take  atoll on your body. When you workout hard and regularly, your body grows, but bogged down by fever affects the body growth. So the its best to back in the gym soon depending on your condition. The following are some of the exercises I am planing to do to kick-out fatigue and get back slowly into the beast mode.

1. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training): HIIT is the best workout to be done with mild cold and flu. It warms up your body and burns calories. Do a 10 -15 minutes HIIT.
2. Pull ups ( 5 sets, 10 reps each):
Pull ups are one of the toughest and best exercises. Try doing 5 sets of 10 reps each.
3. Push ups (Incline, decline & flat):
Do 3 sets of incline, decline and flat push ups of 25 - 30 reps each.
4. Squats ( body weight):
Do three reps of body weight squats. Do be a coward. Prepare those legs for some  super heavy leg works.

1. Carry your water bottle.
2. Carry your towel and a napkin. You do not want to spread a flu scare in the gym.
3. You may feel a bit week during workout. Its normal during cold and flu.
4. Over training or over doing something during this time totally depends on you and you physical condition. Remember, you are your biggest competition. Get back in your game ASAP.
5. Get at least 7 - 8 hours of sleep in a day.
6. Last, but not the least. Proper nutrition is very important for recovery and getting back in the game. Take your supplements and munch on healthy food in proper intervals.

Also, remember to have a nice bath after the workout. Having a good bath helps in muscle TLC.
Thats it guys. The crux would be to start slow and get back to where you where before and grow further. Cheers!!!
                                       - Allwyn

Boyhood dreams

Caution:This blog consists of the following ingredients.
Bad ass bodybuilding ---- 25%
Techie and geeky stuff --- 25%
Christianity, Peace & Love --------25%
Military technology and ♥ for Aviation------ 25%
Warning: This blog may also contain some Social and current issue, which may be allergic in nature.
Mfg, pckge & mkted by me:
Allwyn Varghese.
Thinker, Dreamer and Achiever. Bad ass bodybuilding and Military tech fan. My funda - Live to love, love to live.
I am a proud Indian. I love doing solo motorcycle journeys to remote place and also love driving my car.
I am a Christian by heart and soul. In short my faith in the Holy Trinity is radical.
Watch out for the contents in this blog!